Sloth Festie

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E-Commerce Store Setup

We launched a customized Shopify store for Sloth Festie, an online shoe vendor. There were nested hierarchical product categories with a tile based selection UI. Custom plugins and backend APIs were created to aid in purchase tracking and inventory management. Market research and ad campaign launching was largely automated so that the store operators could focus more on customer interaction and support as well as further brand and business development.

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Automating Operations

Whenever purchases were made, several processes would be automatically triggered such as notifications to relevant staff and initialization of shipping processes. Shipping labels were generated and any impending inventory shortages would be highlighted to aid in decision making. Particular products or product lines that were trending could result in focusing priorities for marketing.

Marketing and Data Analytics

In order to discover precisely where the customer demographic fit, statistical analytics were performed to find meaningful data clusters that could inform Facebook Ad campaigns.

The ads could and promotional offers could be tailored to the customer.

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